Forgiveness comes at the moment when your heart and your mind join together to release a grievance that you were holding. You no longer feel pain or stress about the memory of an unpleasant experience and a restorative sense of peace takes the place of the gripe. Forgiveness is all about recovering and reclaiming that part of you that you allowed to be buried under the weight of resentment. Many times we mistakenly say that we have forgiven someone but deep down inside we think ‘forgive but not forget’. This is definitely not forgiveness. Forgiveness is such a transformational act that not only has your past been healed, releasing you from the grip of a gripe, but you have insured peace for your future as well. And to top it all off, your soul, which never dies and lives in the eternal Present, really does experience life fully as a Present. What more could you ask for or want?
